I love Geeking out over Christmas. Not because of the cool Geek gifts I hope to get but because it is such a wonderful time of year. There is so much to celebrate at this time of year. There’s, of course, Christmas, but also Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and several other beliefs celebrate this time of year. Even if you’re not religious, there is still something to celebrate, like family and friends.
My family has a few holiday traditions. Our tree and decorations go up the weekend after Thanksgiving. They usually stay up until the end of January. For us, it seems like the holidays last that much longer. We have Christmas Eve dinner with a couple of friends and extended family. On Christmas day, we make a massive breakfast feast, and we snack on it all day long. The following week we got together with my wife’s family for a huge dinner.
One thing that makes Christmas special to me is snow. I grew up in the Bay Area of California. There was no such thing as a white Christmas unless you sprayed everything with foam, including the tree. I’ve actually had to do that. It’s messy and no fun. Now where I live, most years we have a white Christmas, and I love it.
This time of year, I know people are in a rush, and we get a little cranky from the stress of trying to make it a happy Christmas. Yet, it truly does seem like people are nicer. They smile a little bit brighter. Families come together, even if there are differences. Above all, I think on Christmas, everyone takes a moment to enjoy life and the friends and family around them.
A True Geek Christmas Can Mean Different Things
Some people are having a hard time making their Christmas miracle happen. That’s where the rest of us come in. It doesn’t take much. A simple “Merry Christmas” does a lot. I’m amazed at how many people are surprised and happy that I wish them Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.
There are other things we can do as well. Remember, we don’t know what the person next to us is going through. Maybe the next time you’re in the drive-through, pay for the person behind you. I have found the drive-through worker gets excited about it, and you have brightened the day of the person behind you. It can turn into a small Christmas miracle when they decide to continue it on and pay for the person behind them.
Your office or Church might be doing a Christmas giving tree. Do one of those, and then don’t just do the minimum. Maybe the kid you got wants an RC Car. Don’t just buy the one that will shatter into a million pieces when it hits a curb. Get them a good one. Maybe they want some clothes. Remember, this kid goes to school, and they’d love having the cool jeans and maybe a couple of t-shirts that have something to do with their interests.
I’m sure somewhere in your neighborhood; a family has little for Christmas dinner. Go out and get them all the fixings for a Christmas dinner feast that will give them leftovers for days. It is wonderful for someone who is trying to make ends meet not to have to worry about where they’re going to get food.
I can personally attest that when doing these things, you will feel amazing. You will feel a Christmas Spirit. I, myself, have felt happier doing these kinds of things than stressing over the perfect Christmas present for someone in my family. Speaking of family, have them join you in doing this stuff for other people. Your children will see this and how good it feels. I guarantee your kids will grow up to continue these traditions. That is another Christmas miracle.
My Geek Christmas Gifts
For me personally, this is a time when I try to take stock of how I have treated my fellow humans. I always hope that I have been a nice person and have tried to help where I can, and I believe this renews me to be nicer and more giving through the new year.
I hope all of you are enjoying the holiday season and are with friends and family enjoying your own traditions. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa. May the New Year be better than your best year yet.
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