You ever sit down at the end of a long day? You’re tired and burnt out. But then a thought comes into your head that instantly raises your spirits. If your like me then Ted Lasso is one of those things that makes you smile. Well don’t fret Boba Fett, because Ted Lasso Season 3 is coming (As of writing this, no release date has been announced yet). Ted Lasso is an awards darling and one of Apple TV+ best offerings. If you’ve had the opportunity to watch Ted Lassob before, then you will and should be excited for what could be the final season. If it is the final season, if there are no more Diamond Dogs, then Ted Lasso season 3 has some work to do in completing it’s narrative. What do you hope to see in season 3? What are some theories you may have? Smells like potential.

Do tell Ricky Bell
Flesh out the story. Finish the story. For a show that runs 30 minutes in length, Ted Lasso packs plenty of meaningful subject matter into each episode. Whether it be mental health, parental abuse, sports, sex, relationships and family. Ted Lasso deals with everything. It most often deals with it on the comedic side. Behind the comedy though there is importance and drama. One hope is the continuation of these themes into season 3. Especially Teds mental status. He deals with panic attacks, loneliness, and depression. In season 2 his relationship he has, both with his ex wife and son was hard to watch at times. His furthering relationship he had with his psychiatrist Dr. Sharon Fieldstone to deal with his issues was something that made Season 2 reach another level narratively. It’s what makes Ted Lasso the show so impactful. Behind the quippy quotes there is meaning. There is life. Football is Life.
What’s going to happen with AFC Richmond ? How much of the sport of football will be a part of Season 3. Season 2 dealt with getting over the hump of mediocrity, of failure. I hope Season 3 deals with the team of Sam, Jamie,Dani and others succeeding. With Rebecca and her ex, Rupert-who owns West Ham United F.C- at odds and now instant rivals. The sport of football can and should play a pivotal role in Season 3.
Redemption for Nate the Great?
Nates heel turn in Season 2 of Ted Lasso was simply put, controversial. Why was he acting this way towards Ted? What was he trying to accomplish? And why did he have to be so mean about it? So many questions about the James Bond level villain that is Nate Shelley. His heel turn from one of TVs most loveable babyfaces was a sight that viewers either didn’t buy into or they embraced it. Whatever side you landed on, resolution to the Nate vs Ted storyline should happen in Season 3. Should Nate be redeemed is another question. He said and did horrible things to Ted and the team. But is Nate to far gone? As the new head coach of West Ham United F.C, the grey haired Nate will either crash and burn as the enemy or rise above as a friend, as family.

Diamond Dogs
Characters we love doing lovely things. Keeley and Roy. Sam and Rebecca. Ted and Sassy. Rebecca and Rupert. The Diamond Dogs. All of these relationships/groups make Ted Lasso… well Ted Lasso. Relationships are in everyone’s lives. Good or Bad. Ted Lasso Season 2 expanded on these characters that we saw in Season 1. It gave the characters more depth but also broadened the series overall. Season 3 should continue taking a profound look into the lives of real human beings. What I mean by human is that they are flawed. They make mistakes, they say sorry, they get angry. In ever day life, taking one wrong turn can change the entire outlook of your life. Ted Lasso season 3 can take that stance with its characters. From there smallest of players on the pitch to the largest of persons in the owners box, they all matter in Ted Lasso.
As for this writer. Ted Lasso is one of the best shows on TV today. If season 3 is the finale season and this is the last we see of AFC Richmond and co. I hope every episode matters. I hope that a complete story is told and we as fans are not left wanting more Ted Lasso (with no more on the horizon). Send the characters off on a high note. Make us believe. As Ted says “I believe in Hope”