Garfield, a well-known character from comic strips, comes back to the big screen in 2024 in a bright new animated journey. "Garfield," whose voice is done by Chris Pratt, starts a funny and touching adventure that will capture both old and new fans. This movie has a...
Haniel David Besa
Reino del Planeta de los Simios Noa: Se Despliega un Nuevo Legado
En "Reino del Planeta de los Simios", la película más reciente de la popular serie "Planeta de los Simios", se introduce a Noa, un nuevo personaje interesante que debe lidiar con el legado complicado de héroes famosos como César. Es una de las películas de simios,...
Tráiler de Inside Out 2: Un Vistazo al Viaje Emocional de Riley
La muy esperada continuación "Inside Out 2", que está programada para salir el 14 de junio de 2024, ve a Pixar regresar al complicado paisaje emocional de Riley Anderson mientras navega por las aguas turbulentas de la adolescencia. Esta secuela del primer libro bien...
Reino del Planeta de los Simios: Una Mirada Profunda a la Última Película
En la esperada película de 2024 "Reino del Planeta de los Simios," la historia de cómo diferentes especies compiten y conviven continúa, con nuevas historias siendo creadas tras los cambios en el gobierno de César. Han pasado muchos años desde los eventos de la...
Inside Out 2 Trailer: A Glimpse into Riley’s Emotional Journey
The highly anticipated follow up "Inside Out 2," which is set to come out on June 14, 2024, sees Pixar return to Riley Anderson's complicated emotional landscape as she navigates the rough waters of adolescence. This sequel to the well-reviewed first book promises to...
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Noa: A New Legacy Unfolds
In "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes," the newest movie in the popular "Planet of the Apes" series, Noa, an interesting new character who has to deal with the complicated legacy of famous heroes like Caesar, is introduced. It is one of the apes films, directed by...
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: A Deep Look at the Latest Film
In the highly anticipated 2024 movie "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes," the story of how different species compete and live together continues, with new stories being created after Caesar's rule changes things. Many years have passed since the events of the previous...
Cast of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga – Inside the Epic Prequel
"Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga," starring Anya Taylor-Joy, will change the famous Mad Max series by exploring the unknown past of Furiosa, the fierce warrior. This action-packed prequel, which is set to come out on May 24, 2024, follows her early adventures in the...
New Furiosa Trailer: A Fresh Chapter in the Mad Max Saga
The long-awaited trailer for "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" has finally come out, getting fans and newbies alike excited. Anya Taylor-Joy plays the fierce warrior Furiosa, and this is her origin story. It looks like an exciting mix of action, adventure, and sci-fi, and it...
Reparto de Furiosa: Una Saga de Mad Max – Dentro del Épico Precuela
"Furiosa: Una Saga de Mad Max", protagonizada por Anya Taylor-Joy, cambiará la famosa serie de Mad Max explorando el pasado desconocido de Furiosa, la feroz guerrera. Esta precuela llena de acción, que está programada para estrenarse el 24 de mayo de 2024, sigue sus...