Every once in a meme-ified blue moon, the wildly irrational cryptocurrency ecosystem gives birth to something that might outlive the hype.
Category: Blockchain
Meet Qonos- A Purpose-Built Digital Frame for NFT Art and Collectibles
The non-fungible token (NFT) artwork and collectible ecosystem has exploded in recent months and just last week, a Beeple-crafted NFT sold for $69 million at the world-famous auction house Christie’s. As the NFT space swells, a new product has been launched called “Qonos,” a purpose-built digital display for NFT art and collectibles. The company’s initial … Read more
Pack Drops vs. Stress Tests
We have received a lot of inquiries around Stress Tests and pack drops. This post is a quick primer on the differences.
Investing in Optimism
Ethereum has proven itself to be an extremely popular computing platform, with both developer and user demand growing dramatically. Since May of 2020, the capacity used per block (a strong proxy for demand) has stabilized near 98% , meaning the …
The post Investing in Optimism appeared first on Andreessen Horowitz .
Crypto Glossary: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain
Blockchain technology — and the cryptocurrencies they enable — have the potential to reshape the world as completely as the internet did 30 years ago. Just as we don’t need to understand what TCP/IP is or how packet routing works …
The post Crypto Glossary: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain appeared first on Andreessen Horowitz .
Crypto Glossary: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain
Blockchain technology — and the cryptocurrencies they enable — have the potential to reshape the world as completely as the internet did 30 years ago. Just as we don’t need to understand what TCP/IP is or how packet routing works …
The post Crypto Glossary: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain appeared first on Andreessen Horowitz .
Crypto Canon
Here’s a list of crypto readings and resources. It’s organized from building blocks and basics; foundations (& history); and key concepts — followed by specific topics such as governance; privacy and security; scaling; consensus and governance; cryptoeconomics, cryptoassets, and investing; …
The post Crypto Canon appeared first on Andreessen Horowitz .